BAC - C#

C# is a modern object-oriented programming language developed in 2000 by Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft, as a competitor to Java.

The C# programming language is coming more popular in our lives. Currently, the majority of applications such as website design business cosmetics, fashion, restaurant management applications, human resources management, library management, cafes, classifieds, electronic newspapers, applications Android phones, IOS, 2D Game applications, 3D games, PLC control applications in the 4.0 revolution, ... are using the programming language is C# .NET of Microsoft.

Microsoft is constantly updating the C# .NET language to be more powerful and fully compatible with many different operating systems that not only run on Windows. C# language is an object-oriented programming language, structured clear, easy to understand and easy to learn. C# inherits the advantages of Java, C, C++ language as well as overcome the limitations of these languages. What is more special is that in the 4.0 revolution, the C# & Python programming language plays a big role. You own one of these two languages, your chances of success in the IT/software industry are huge.
The BAC's C# mobile programming course will bring you basic and advanced knowledge and skills with a high degree of applicability so students have the opportunity to build and develop their career skills in the shortest time.

Why should join the C# Course of Code BAC? 

  • C# is one of the most widely used programming languages. Many people are wondering whether to choose C# or Java as the language to learn and almost everyone has chose C#.
  • Because C# is a strong-typed language, parameters and return results are an object. There is no need to wait for the run to be reported as other programming languages, all errors caused by typing the function name, the field name, the wrong class type are reported while writing the code.
  • Comes with the .NET framework so C# supports many features: Create a website using MVC.NET, WebForm, Create Window application with WPF, WinForm;...
  • In addition, C# has IDE Visual Studio and many powerful plug-ins. When you start learning C# basic programming may be difficult but surely after learning it will give you the most lessons.
  • This popularity has helped the C# human resources market grow with more than 17,000 C# jobs being advertised per month (globally) with an average salary of over $ 72,000. In the United States, more than 6,000 jobs are advertised each month, with annual salaries of $ 92,000.

What will you get after the C# course? 

  • Have access to the C# programming language from the most basic knowledge to share advanced knowledge to use for development projects. This will be the basis for developing cross-platform mobile programming with Xamarin or ASP.NET MVC / Core web programming.
  • Ability to develop interactive database software with C# .NET.
  • Master the skills and knowledge required for a software developer to develop software projects with C# .NET.
  • Confidently apply to programme positions on C# .NET for large companies.
  • Certificate of completion of the prestigious course from Code BAC and the opportunity to participate in real projects for C# .NET application.

Who should attend this course?

All those who have basic knowledge of programming include:

  • IT students want to understand C# .NET programming to find the right career opportunity.
  • Programmers who are working in the IT industry want to learn about C# .NET programming to improve their skills and career development.

Course content:

  • Session 1: Overview of .NET Framework and C#
  • Session 2: Basic concepts in C# (variables, data types, operators, …)
  • Session 3: Object-oriented programming C#
  • Session 4: Learn about class and object (class & object)
  • Session 5: Processing files
  • Session 6: Delegates and Events
  • Session 7: Working with strings (String)
  • Session 8: Final project and summarize the course

6.000.000 VNĐ

6.000.000 VNĐ

Course's length: 2 month